I wanted to try making a video of the bees using the slow-motion function on my phone and finally got around to it. It turned out really well. Watch the bees coming and going along their mini honeybee runway. They could actually use an air traffic controller! Watch closely in full-screen mode and you will see two bees collide. There are also several bees at the entrance beating their wings to circulate air and cool the hive.
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The 2013 season is at an end and time to start winterizing beehives. One of the hives is crashing. There are perhaps […]
Plants and insects have been evolving in unison for millions of years and have benefited from an elegant symbiotic relationship. This relationship has provided plants a willing host to convey pollen in trade for valuable high energy cocktail called nectar. Residual pollen is an added bonus protein source. A new dynamic is disrupting the alignment of this interaction. Climate change is affecting this coordinated inter species relationship by disrupting the flower blooming cycle. Plants have evolved a response to the spring warming cycle that starts the flowering process in most of the northern hemisphere.
Every third Saturday of August, a vibrant celebration takes place in honor of some of nature’s most diligent workers – honeybees. National […]
Worked another extraction this weekend for a local building management company and every time I am on one I learn to be a bit more efficient and wanted to share my list. If there is the opportunity to make a small hole first when starting and extraction this is ideal. So the trick is to annoy the aggressive bees and get them out a small hole and grab them with the vacuum right away. This time around I broke through the drywall with a small hole and kept banging on the ceiling to annoy them. I then opened a hole about 6 inches square. This really helped as the aggressive bees rushed the opening and right into the vacuum. I did get stung on the finger once but was when lifting out some comb and I pinned the bee between my finger and some comb.